The Lost Conservation: Interviews
with an Enduring Avant Garde
Written by Sara Farrington
Edited by Kate Kremer
Published by 53rd State Press

THE LOST CONVERSATION: Interviews with an Enduring Avant-Garde
by Sara Farrington
April 2022
324 pages
5x7 inches
paper/perfect bound
ISBN: 978-173254528
In this collection of interviews conducted between 2019-2021 with New York theater artists who have spent their lives working in and inventing the avant-garde, playwright Sara Farrington brings to light a series of "lost conversations" about class, race, difficulty, endurance, and privilege in the New York avant-garde of the past fifty years, as well as conversations about the ephemerality, the always-about-to-be-lostness of the medium itself. Featuring conversations with Joanne Akalaitis, Anne Bogart, Lee Breuer + Maude Mitchell, Ping Chong, Richard Foreman, André Gregory, Jessica Hagedorn, Deborah Hay, David Henry Hwang, Bill T. Jones, Jeffrey M. Jones, Karen Kandel, Adrienne Kennedy, Eduardo Machado, Gloria Miguel, Nicky Paraiso, Lola Pashalinksi + Linda Chapman, Black-Eyed Susan, David Van Tieghem, Jennifer Tipton, Ching Valdes-Aran, Kate Valk, Mac Wellman, and Robert Wilson, The Lost Conversation is also a record both of the avant-garde's past and of its urgent present. Created at the beginning of Covid, spanning 2 years, The Lost Conversation is also an accidental social document.